Monday, 3 February 2014

More on that passport visa saga

Today I received a phone call from the company visa manager informing me my passport had been returned.  I wandered around to his desk to find three of them pouring over the passport and a piece of accompanying A4 paper.  Unfortunately the paper was in arabic which meant I couldn’t read it.  The visa manager told me the visa has been renewed, but I have to leave the country before the 20th of February.  I guess everyone has compromised and given me a 3 week renewal on my 6 month visa rather than the standard 4 weekly renewal.  I then asked if the renewal required me to go all the way back to the UK or could it be Dubai.  I was told “Dubai”….  “Inshallah!” (God willing).  Then there was more discussion amongst the three of them before I was told “You might be able to get it renewed without leaving….Inshallah!”. I’ve decided it’s not worth losing any sleep over renewing the visa as it will obviously be an ongoing monthly issue until I leave.  I’m good for the next 3 weeks Inshallah (even I’ve started saying it!).

My cheap Tesco black leather trouser belt has snapped in half at the buckle.  No… not because my waistline has expanded!  On inspecting the break I can see the belt isn’t actually made of leather.  My trousers are too large around the waistline.  Don’t say anything….  They were deliberately purchased this size because I had presumed my excellent cooking would result in an expansion.  Unfortunately all the “Texas Strawberries” (baked beans) have had the reverse effect.  I must have looked like a dirty old man crabbing my way into the nearby Lulu department store clutching at the top of my trousers.  Most Saudi’s don’t wear trousers and I was fearful I might have to shop for twine.  However with a sigh of relief I managed to purchase a good quality genuine leather belt (made in Thailand). 

Of more interest was the sight that confronted me when I walked into Riyadh Avenue Mall.  Parliament appeared to be in session.

Camilla and Kate then went past in a royal coach.  I waved and despite both of them looking at me they appeared to ignore me.  I might add they also ignored all the Saudi couples sitting at the kerbside cafe.

No… It’s not my cr@p photography!  Their faces are blurred.  Obviously they forgot to wear their veils for the trip and the developer had to subsequently airbrushed them out.  Probably to avoid me becoming overcome with lust and racing across to pounce on Camilla! How dare she show her face around here! On reflection my new belt might have caused a few problems removing the trousers! Smile

During a walk yesterday I noticed this rather interestingly shaped building.  It has two towers with crenulations.

I’m not sure why there is a red flashing lights on top of each tower.  It’s not high enough to be an aircraft hazard.  My guess is  the building is some type of military installation.

1 comment:

  1. Careful taking photos of military things, they will lock you up! Interesting blog, different experience to W-----u, glad I turned it all down years ago (though not financially)
